Salted Caramel Popcorn

Salted Caramel Popcorn

20150925_180539So if you know me at all, you know I’m OBSESSED with popcorn.

Obsessed is probably not even giving my love of popcorn justice but I can’t come up with a stronger adjective right now 🙂

My favorite popcorn topping is nutritional yeast (ummm wipe that look of your face, it’s delicious). But truth be told, I’ve never met a popcorn I didn’t really like.

One day when I was working browsing through Pinterest (but seriously how can I get a job doing that?) I came across a post on caramel popcorn. I’m more of a salty and sweet type of girl so I thought why not make salted caramel popcorn?

Well point for me! Because it turned out amazing. One tip (careful of unpopped kernals! If they’re mixed in with your caramely clusters you could hurt your teeth! ( I didn’t do that or anything…)  Enjoy!!
ALWAYSSUMMER (2)3546Call me cliché but I made this and ate it while watching Scandal. It was a perfect night! 🙂



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