*Gluten Free* Coffee Cake

*Gluten Free* Coffee Cake


Please don’t fall of your chairs and die when I tell you what this cake is made of ………………….. beans.

Yes, beans.

Don’t make that face! It’s delicious! Seriously, I was really skeptical too but Kelly @ the SpunkyCoconut really proved me wrong.

This past weekend my little ‘baby’ sister graduated from college!

Syds Graduation Family shot

photo 1Awwww she’s so cute! 🙂

So all the kids were at home and it was Mother’s day on Sunday. I wanted to treat my mom to a breakfast that she didn’t have to lift one finger to make. My sister is SUPER gluten intolerant and I try to eliminate it from my diet most of the time as it just makes me feel bloated and gross. Anyway, so I made the entire breakfast Gluten Free (GF). I came across this recipe for GF coffee cake and HAD to try it.

I’ll admit I was picturing like “health” food cake, weirdo texture, not great taste etc…. but in all honestly (sorry family) I thought they’d be a good group to test it out on and would understand if it tasted like yarn 🙂

But low and behold, it did not taste like yarn it tasted AMAZING!! Moist and delicious and didn’t taste like a ‘sacrifice’ at all. Just as good (if not better) than ANY coffee cake I’ve had.  Everyone loved it.

photo 4

*Gluten Free Coffee Cake*
Add to food processor:
2 cups white beans (canned or cooked yourself- make sure they’re room temperature)
6 eggs
1 tbsp agave nectar
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/3 cup honey

Puree well.

Then Add:
1/4 cup coconut oil, liquified/melted
1/3 cup coconut flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
3/4 tsp baking soda
1.5 tsp baking powder

Puree well.

Pour batter into large rectangular greased pan.

Crumble Topping
Puree the following:
3 cups of walnuts
2 tbsp butter, ghee, or coconut oil
1/3 to 1/2 cup coconut sugar (depending how sweet you like)
1 tbsp cinnamon

Spread the crumble over the top of the batter.
Using a fork or knife, really swirl and press the topping into the batter.
Then pat the topping down.

Bake at 325 degrees for about 25-30 minutes until just starting to brown on top and batter isn’t “wiggly”

There you have it! Delicious and healthy coffee cake. I promise you’ll like it! I served with my rendition of THIS & a fruit salad. Yummmmm-O.

photo 2

See- not a whole lot of it left 🙂

This weekend is my bachelorette party with all my bestest friends in the whole wide world ❤  so hopefully I’ll be able to share some fun shenannigans with you next week 🙂 🙂 Have a great weekend!



5 thoughts on “*Gluten Free* Coffee Cake

  1. ….. every time I read “they’d understand if it tasted like yarn”, I crack up. It was excellent! and the first time your little brother voluntarily ate beans! (And your Mother loved being spoiled rotten!) xo


  2. Pingback: Healthy Flourless Dark Chocolate Brownies {Gluten & Dairy Free} | Eat Laugh Craft - A Healthy Living Blog

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